Raising Awareness on World AIDS Day

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World AIDS Day, observed on December 1st, is a powerful reminder of the ongoing battle against the HIV/AIDS pandemic. This year marks the 35th anniversary of its observance and is a day to reflect on the progress made in combating the virus, remembering those we’ve lost, and raising awareness about the challenges that persist. Wondering how you or your organization can make an impact? Continue reading for suggestions from Equality Careers and Allies for Health and Wellbeing.


A Day of Reflection

World AIDS Day serves as a day of remembrance for the millions of lives lost to AIDS-related illnesses. It’s a time to honor the memories of those who fought bravely against the virus and raise awareness about the ongoing challenges people living with HIV face.

While the HIV/AIDS pandemic is far from over, significant progress has been made. New medications and treatment options have extended the lives of many affected individuals. Additionally, education and awareness campaigns have helped reduce the stigma surrounding the virus.

On World AIDS Day, we remember that disparities still exist. People from marginalized communities, including LGBTQIA+ individuals, people of color, and those living in poverty, are disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS.


Inclusive Employers on World AIDS Day

As an inclusive employer, here are some ways you can honor World AIDS Day and support your employees:

  • Educate Your Workforce: Consider organizing awareness campaigns or informational sessions to educate your employees about HIV/AIDS. Sharing accurate information can help dispel misconceptions and reduce stigma.
  • Create a Supportive Environment: Ensure that your workplace is inclusive and supportive of individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Implement non-discriminatory policies and practices and encourage open communication.
  • Offer HIV Testing and Counseling: HIV.gov suggests providing access to confidential HIV testing and counseling services within the workplace. This can help employees take control of their health and reduce the spread of the virus. Also work to provide health insurance that covers HIV/medication, prevention, and medical services.
  • Offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): EAPs can provide employees with access to counseling and support for managing the physical and emotional aspects of living with HIV/AIDS.





World Aids Day

Supporting Local and National HIV/AIDS Organizations

Allies for Health and Wellbeing, is a Pittsburgh-based nonprofit dedicated to empowering individuals and communities through integrated medical care and supportive human services. Founded in 1985 as the Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force, Allies originated from the dedication of Kerry Stoner and a group of volunteers.

Over the years, the organization has evolved, initially providing critical support services for people living with AIDS and later expanding its reach to address the shifting perceptions around HIV. In 2017, Allies opened its medical clinic, embracing a broader mission to provide inclusive care to all in need.

At Allies for Health and Wellbeing, they believe in recognizing the full lived experience of their clients. Their commitment is to break down financial barriers and eliminate stigma, ensuring that everyone has access to the care they need. With nearly 40 years of community experience, they cultivate a culture of quality and respect across all our services.

  • Services They Offer: Their doors are open to everyone, and their services cater to diverse needs. Specializing in HIV, hepatitis C, and STI testing and care, gender-affirming care, and inclusive primary care, Allies provides a comprehensive range of services, including a medical clinic, HIV support, and a pharmacy.
  • How You Can Support: Allies relies on the generosity of volunteers and donors. Your donation plays a crucial role in sustaining their mission to offer holistic healthcare and supportive human services. For more information, please visit Allies for Health + Wellbeing.


Equality Careers aims to help people not just local to Pittsburgh, but nationwide. If you are interested in locating an HIV/Aids non-profit in your area please visit GreatNonProfits.org to locate an organization near you.   


Equality Careers Will Stand Beside You

World AIDS Day is a reminder that the fight against HIV/AIDS is far from over. It is a day for reflection, remembrance, and recommitment to the cause.

Equality Careers we believe HIV/AIDS does not define your ability to succeed in the workplace. Together, we can build a more equitable future for all, where no one is left behind in the fight against HIV/AIDS. If you are interested in learning more about career opportunities with Allies for Health and Wellbeing please check out their inclusive career opportunities here.