Job Searching Between the Holidays

Job Searching


The holiday season is often perceived as a time to kick back, relax, and enjoy the festivities with family and friends. However, for job seekers, the period after Christmas and before the new year can be a golden opportunity to advance their career goals. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with strategic tips to help you make the most of job searching in between the holidays.


5 Reasons to Conduct a Job Search During the Holidays:


1 . Less Competition:

With many job seekers taking a break from their search during the holidays, the competition for available positions decreases. This presents a chance for your application to stand out. Start by ensuring your resume reflects your current capabilities and achievements. Make it memorable, relevant to the job you seek, and error-free.

Tip: Use strong action verbs to describe your achievements and quantify your impact. Instead of saying “Managed a team,” say “Led a team of 10 members, resulting in a 20% increase in project efficiency.”


2. Networking Opportunities:

Holiday gatherings are not only about festivities but also about networking. Attend social and business functions to meet professionals in your field. Prepare an elevator pitch and bring business cards, making the most of the opportunity to expand your network.

Tip: Visit the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce(NGLCC) webpage to locate your local Chamber to find information on events and networking opportunities.


3. Get a Head Start Before January Hiring:

Many businesses intensify their hiring efforts in January. By applying during the holidays, you get a head start and can contact hiring managers before the surge of applications at the start of the new year.

Tip: Identify companies you want to apply to and submit tailored applications before the new year rush. Do research on the company’s website and create a custom cover letter that will help you stand out.


4. Professional Development:

Enroll in online training classes through platforms like LinkedIn Learning or participate in webinars to enhance your professional skillset.

Tip: Dedicate an hour each day to learn a new skill relevant to your industry or desired job position.


5. Momentum:

Maintaining your job search momentum during the holidays can make it easier to continue the search with enthusiasm in the new year.

Tip: Set aside dedicated time each day for job searching activities. Allocate the first 30 minutes of your morning to researching job opportunities and submitting applications. Set a goal to submit a certain number of applications each week to maintain a consistent effort.


Equality Careers can help you navigate the job market during the holiday season. Our platform’s user-friendly website streamlines your job search, providing access to positions from companies dedicated to DEI and equal opportunities. This holiday season, let Equality Careers be your guide in gifting yourself with a new career!