Corporate Allyship: Embracing the Day of Silence


The Day of Silence is an annual observance that encourages individuals to take a vow of silence for a day to bring attention to the silencing effects of anti-LGBTQIA+ bullying, harassment, and discrimination. This powerful movement, typically organized by students in schools and colleges, aims to create awareness, foster empathy, and promote inclusivity.

The Day of Silence provides an opportunity for corporations to actively engage in promoting LGBTQIA+ inclusivity within the workplace. By participating in this annual observance, companies can demonstrate their solidarity with people within this community and show their allyship. Here are some actionable suggestions for corporations to participate in the Day of Silence.


Origins of the Day of Silence:

The Day of Silence originated in the mid-1990s when a group of students at the University of Virginia organized a day-long silence protest to raise awareness about the challenges faced by the LGBTQIA+ community. This grassroots movement quickly gained momentum, and by 1997, it evolved into a nationwide event organized by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN).


Purpose and Objectives:

The primary objective of the Day of Silence is to draw attention to the bullying and harassment faced by LGBTQIA+ students in educational institutions. By taking a vow of silence, participants symbolically represent the silencing effect that discrimination can have on individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+.



Even though this movement started within the collegiate setting, there are ways that companies can help show their support on this day by being an ally and creating awareness.  


Facilitating Discussions:

Whether you are working in office or remote, setting up a discussion with your employees will allow them to engage in conversations about ways the company can amplify its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. Have members from your internal ERG’s speak about initiatives they are doing to support the LGBTQIA+ community. You can also invite a panelist of speakers or members from your companies HR department to discuss the company’s initiatives throughout the year can provide valuable insights and inspire ongoing commitment.


Promoting Inclusivity in Communication:

Encourage employees to add their pronouns to their email auto signatures and include them in their Zoom name/label. This simple yet impactful action promotes a culture of respect and recognition for diverse gender identities.


Sustaining the Conversation Beyond the Day of Silence:

The Day of Silence should not be a one-time event. Companies can break the silence by promoting ongoing discussions on LGBTQIA+ issues in the workplace. Encouraging employees to engage with their communities, particularly schools, can have a lasting impact. Companies can suggest reaching out to school librarians and encouraging them to apply for a Rainbow Library, a GLSEN program that sends LGBTQIA+ affirming text sets to schools across the country for free.


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives:

While not focusing on fundraising elements, corporations can leverage their CSR initiatives to support LGBTQIA+ causes. This may involve partnerships with local LGBTQIA+ organizations, sponsoring events, or providing resources to support LGBTQIA+ youth programs.


Equality Careers proudly supports the Day of Silence and stands as an advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community. Our commitment extends beyond this symbolic day, as we continually strive to champion diversity, equity, and inclusion within the workplace. Corporate participation in the Day of Silence is also about actively fostering a workplace culture that values and celebrates diversity. By implementing these suggestions, companies can contribute to breaking the silence around LGBTQIA+ issues, creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for employees of all backgrounds.