Bisexual Awareness Week


Bisexual Awareness Week is a celebration of identity, visibility, and acceptance. Observed annually from September 16th to 23rd, this week is dedicated to raising awareness about bisexuality, combating stereotypes, and fostering inclusivity within the LGBTQIA+ community. In this blog post, let’s talk about what Bisexual Awareness Week is all about, why it’s important to celebrate, and how we can promote inclusivity and visibility for bisexual individuals.


What is Bisexual Awareness Week?

Bisexual Awareness Week, also known as #BiWeek, is a designated time to recognize and honor the bisexual community. It’s a platform for bisexual individuals to share their stories, experiences, and challenges while advocating for understanding and acceptance. This week serves as a reminder that bisexuality is a valid and integral part of the diverse spectrum of human sexuality.

This week was initiated in 2014 by GLAAD who partnered with BiNet USA to create a weeklong observance. The reason behind this idea was a response to the lack of visibility and representation of bisexual individuals within the LGBTQIA+ community. Since its inception, Bisexual Awareness Week has grown in significance, serving as a platform for advocacy, education, and celebration of bisexual identities.


Why Do We Celebrate It?

The celebration of Bisexual Awareness Week was created to combat biphobia, amplify bisexual voices, and spread awareness and promote visibility and inclusivity.

Combatting Biphobia: Despite progress in LGBTQIA+ rights, bisexuality continues to be misunderstood and marginalized. Bisexual individuals often face discrimination both within and outside the LGBTQIA+ community. By dedicating a week to raise awareness and challenge stereotypes, we strive to combat biphobia and promote acceptance and understanding.

Amplifying Bisexual Voices: Bisexual individuals often find themselves overlooked or misrepresented, leading to feelings of isolation and invisibility. Bisexual Awareness Week provides a platform for these voices to be heard, validated, and celebrated. It’s an opportunity for bisexual people to share their stories, build community, and reclaim their identity with pride.

Promoting Visibility and Inclusivity: Visibility is essential for fostering acceptance and creating inclusive spaces. By celebrating Bisexual Awareness Week, we shine a spotlight on bisexual experiences, identities, and contributions. This visibility helps dispel myths, challenge stereotypes, and create a more inclusive environment where all sexual orientations are valued and respected.

 How Can We Be More Inclusive and Show Visibility?

Here are some ways we can make a difference:

Educate Yourself: Read books, articles, and essays written by bisexual authors to gain insight into their experiences and perspectives. For example, Roxane Gay’s “Bad Feminist” or “Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution” by Shiri Eisner offer valuable insights into bisexuality.

Listen and Validate: When someone comes out as bisexual, offer support and affirmation. Validate bisexuality as a legitimate sexual orientation. Avoid questioning or doubting someone’s bisexuality based on stereotypes or misconceptions.

Advocate for Representation: Support media content that portrays authentic and diverse bisexual experiences. Celebrate TV shows like “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” where characters like Rosa Diaz explore their bisexuality with nuance and sensitivity.

Foster Inclusive Spaces: Use inclusive language and avoid assumptions about people’s sexual orientation. Instead of assuming someone is straight or gay based on their partner’s gender, use gender-neutral language like “partner” or “significant other. Encourage your workplace or organization to include bisexual representation in diversity and inclusion initiatives, such as inviting bisexual speakers or organizing events during Bisexual Awareness Week.


At Equality Careers, we’re committed to fostering a workplace environment where all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation, feel valued, respected, and empowered to thrive. We recognize the importance of Bisexual Awareness Week and are dedicated to supporting bisexual job seekers throughout their career journey.


Bisexual Awareness Week